I had my first parent teacher conference with Aiden's teacher today. She said that he has a short attention span when it comes to things he doesn't want to do, and very long one when he is interested. DUH!!! Don't we all ;) She says he is doing well, and that he seems to be very interested in music. However, he does not participate in the singing and dancing. I told her that it's because he is very aware of people watching him, and gets very self-conscience (very much like his daddy). She was very impressed that he knows how to keep a steady rhythm with the drums. She told me that when she asked him if his daddy plays drums, he said "No, he plays trumpet." Then another little boy said, "My daddy plays Super Mario Brohters." Ahhhh!! Gotta love kids at this age....hahahaha!!
Aiden's first day of school picture
Lately, Kieren has been having a thing with his Daddy's shoes. Yet every time he gets his foot in one, he starts praying to "Allah." For those of you who do not know what that means, just imagine him on his knees lifting his hands above his head and slamming them on the floor. All while he is chanting (AKA screaming) at the top of his lungs.....LOL!! So anyway, this is a daily, sometimes multi-daily, routine.
Kieren and his two left feet

heheheh! that is too cute. I want you to capture Kieren praying to Allah! hahah